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Mobile Devices in Schools

Government of Alberta announces restrictions on mobile devices in schools
Posted on 06/18/2024
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Holy Spirit Catholic School Division welcomes yesterday’s announcement by Demetrios Nicolaides,  Minister of Education, relating to restrictions on personal mobile devices and access to social media in schools.

For some time now, our division has required all students to understand and sign digital citizenship and acceptable use agreements supported by our Administrative Procedure 113 - Use of Personally Owned Electronic Devices

In light of yesterday’s announcement, we will take the coming months to fully understand the implications of the Ministerial Order to ensure that a solid implementation plan is created and shared.  Interestingly, many of our schools are already using guidelines that are very much aligned with what the Minister shared yesterday.

As always, we look forward to working in partnership with Alberta Education, our schools, students, parents and other stakeholders as we continue to provide quality Catholic education and positive learning experiences to the children and students entrusted to our care.

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