Holy Spirit's Policies page


Board Policy Manual

Policy 1: Board Mandate, Mission, Vision, Values and Goals

Policy 2: Role of The Board 

Policy 2A: Board Work Plan 

Policy 3: Role of the Trustee 

Policy 3A: Service and Materials Provided to the Trustee
Policy 3B: Communications Protocol for the Holy Spirit Catholic School Division

Policy 4: Trustee Code of Conduct

Policy 4A: Canadian Catholic Trustees' Association Code of Conduct
Policy 4B: Alberta School Boards Association's Trustee Code of Conduct
Policy 4C: Trustee Code of Conduct Sanctions

Policy 5: Role of the Board Chair

Policy 6: Role of the Vice-Chair

Policy 7: Board Committees and Board Representation 

          Policy 7A: Audit Committee Terms of Reference 
          Policy 7B: Finance Committee Terms of Reference 

Policy 8: Policy Making

Policy 9: Role of the Superintendent 

Policy 10: Board Delegation of Authority

Policy 11: Staff Code of Conduct

Policy 12: Teaching Staff Reduction 

Policy 13: Hearings on Teacher Matters

Policy 14: Appeals and Hearings on Student Matters 

Policy 15: Early Teacher Retirement Incentive Plan
            (rescinded as per Board Motion #3955/04)

Policy 16: School Closure

Policy 17: Awards *

Policy 18: Board Governance and Operations 

Policy 18A: Trustee Compensation, Allowances and Reimbursement Rates *
Policy 18B: Per Diem Reimbursement  (rescinded as per Board Motion #10258/1022)

Policy 19: Conflict of Interest and Nepotism *

Policy 20: Fiscal Stewardship

Policy 21: Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblower Protection)

Policy 22: Vaccination Protocol

Policy 23: Extra-Curricular Activity **

Policy 24: Budget **


*Amended in the 2023/2024 school year
**Added in the 2023/2024 school year

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